aidXchange provides a framework for participants from different walks of life to come together to work to realise common goals. Because we represent diverse bodies of experience, cultural backgrounds and styles of communication it is important that we start from a shared and agreed set of rules about how we interact with each other. We have therefore devised the following Code of Conduct as a guide. We welcome comments and suggestions about how the Code might be developed, as well as reports about difficulties encountered in attempts to implement it.

Overall principles of interaction and engagement:
- Respect the values and attitudes of other participants.
- Try to understand the points of view of others, even when there are language barriers.
- Where there is disagreement try to find common ground on the basis of which the limits of consensus can be explored.
- Ensure that a guardian is always present when children are involved in on-line meetings.

The conversations:
- Participants should attempt to attend meetings punctually at the agreed times.
- Conversations should take place as often as possible on the aidXchange platform for security and quality reasons.
- Participants should identify themselves and any other people who might be able to hear or view the conversation.
- Participants should agree on whether a conversation can be recorded.
- An agenda should be agreed and a facilitator or chairperson identified.
- For the first two meetings a aidXchange facilitator is recommended.
- Meetings should try to keep to time and conclude with agreed points of action and timelines.
- Where possible, meetings should follow the format recommended by aidXchange and reports and other materials submitted as agreed.
- Brief minutes should be kept of conversations covering the following information: who was present, what was discussed, what was agreed upon, what are the next steps.
- The minutes should be circulated to all parties so that they can amend them if necessary.
- Once this is done the document should be saved on a folder accessible by all.

Aims and outcomes of the conversations:
- The conversations are tools used in establishing the partnerships and carrying on the projects.
- The aims of the discussion are the practical, shared activities which should be clearly identified.
- Activities should include practical outcomes, which should be able to be shared with others in some way—for example, photos, videos, written materials, records of joint activities, music etc.
- The aims cannot include funding, although in some cases a modest funding request will be considered to provide support for some aspects of the activity.
- In many cases, the process and conduct of the conversations, and the relationships they generate, are generally as important as the activities that result.

Process of working together:
- The first meeting is introductory and exploratory and may not lead to further conversations.
- While for the first two meetings a aidXchange facilitator should be present as mentioned, for the following meetings it is up to the parties to decide if they want to have a aidXchange person present or not.
- All participants must agree to any decisions affecting them.
- Participants must agree upon who should report to aidXchange and how.
- If difficulties arise in relation to a partnership an approach may be made to aidXchange for assistance.
- Participants should endeavour to carry out any agreed actions or tasks within the time decided.
- Once an activity is completed the participants should consider if they wish to proceed to another activity or to end the partnership.

Publication of images and other materials:
- Images of participants must not be made public without their consent.
- In the case of children, in general dissemination of images should be avoided, except where written agreement has been provided by parents or guardians.
- Other materials can be made public (via aidXchange or elsewhere) with the agreement of the group.

- While as stated above, funding cannot be an aim of an activity, in some circumstances modest support may be provided by aidXchange.
- Micro-funding requests may be submitted on the prescribed form.
- Receipt of funding will generally be conditional on defined reporting processes.

Protocols for conducting activities:
In order to facilitate effective and satisfying meetings, aidXchange recommends that an agreed protocol be followed. We suggest the 'Protocol for online meetings' and 'Protocol for requests for funding support' as detailed below are used as a guide.

Protocol for online meetings:
- The project generates an invitation to various parties asking if they would like to join a conversation with another party.
- If the parties agree an invitation is sent to set up a conversation.
- The identities of the parties are disclosed to each other with their permission.
- A facilitator is appointed by the project who contacts the parties introducing himself or herself and outlining how the conversation will proceed.
- Parties are asked to attend punctually at the appointed time and to sign on with the addresses provided.
- The facilitator introduces himself or herself and summarised the expectations of the meeting.
- Permissions and consents are provided where appropriate and where children are involved permission from parents or guardians for them to attend is obtained.
- The confidentiality of the conversation is emphasised and agreed.
- The participating parties are then asked to introduce themselves one by one, explaining their interest in the project and what capacities they bring and what needs they week to address.
- The facilitator initiates a conversation about possible joint activities, drawing on the profiles and known interests of the parties.
- Free discussion ensues about possible joint activities.
- The facilitator proposes a decision on one or more specific activities to which the partnership may aspire.
- The parties discuss specific activities and agree on priorities.
- The facilitator leads discussion on practical requirements and time-lines.
- A discussion ensues about possible resource needs.
- A process is agreed to in order to complete a project proposal to be submitted to aidXchange, including reporting processes.
- A decision is made about the next meeting.
- The facilitator offers the parties an opportunity to make closing comments.
- The facilitator closes the meeting.
- The facilitator submits a summary of the meeting to aidXchange, including a note regarding the follow-up meeting (for which a reminder will be sent).

Protocol for requests for funding support:
Small amounts of funding may be provided to support specific activities. The process for applying for such support is as follows:
- A project proposal is submitted to aidXchange, with time-lines and reporting requirements.
- A follow-up meeting is held to confirm commitment to project and activity and to develop a budget for the activity.
- An application is submitted for funding support.
- The recipient parties will be required to provide identification and bank account details as required by international standards.
- Payments may be made by instalments. If this is the case, reports will be required prior to the payment of a subsequent instalment.
- At the conclusion of the project a report must be submitted with details about the outcomes of the project, including materials for posting on a public website, unless otherwise agreed.

(last updated on 28 December 2017)

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